Power your business strategies with data.
Securely share the latest reports in real time from any business intelligence tool.
Unlock the potential of your business data with Signagelive-powered digital signage.
When you share data with staff, you empower them to make more effective business decisions, and digital signage is just the right tool to help.
With digital signage data integrations like Signagelive’s Secure Dashboards and PowerBI application, you’re able to securely share data with more employees across different department floors – even buildings – and all at the click of a few buttons.
Whether your business uses Microsoft PowerBI, SharePoint, or Tableau makes no difference. Secure Dashboards is compatible with any business intelligence tool you choose, enabling you to display data reports in real-time.
You can schedule data to update as regularly as you want – every five minutes if you need the very latest information.
Split-screen layouts
You can also help employees interpret data by integrating it as part of a larger on-screen slide, for instance, with some brief headline explanatory information and imagery.
Wider visibility
To make the latest company Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as accessible to as many employees as possible, it’s easy to time the data to appear on certain screens for all-in business meetings. Why not help employees see the big picture by including different reports on the same screen, with some key takeaway headlines?
Nerve centre of business intelligence
Alternatively, if you would like the latest, updated data to be ready on-screen, any time employees need, you can create a dedicated data nerve centre in a meeting room, or huddle space. With screens in a side-by-side layout, it’s possible to use each monitor to display different data reports from the same system, so you can highlight which areas of the business are doing well, and which need to be improved. This kind of multi-screen configuration also works if you want to display different metrics from different business tools.
Advanced Scheduling support
With Signagelive Advanced Scheduling, you additionally have the option of scheduling different statistics to appear on different screens, tailoring reports, for example, to suit every department.