Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to boost the success of every Digital Signage display in your network, but what can it actually do, and how can you harness its power? The technology is still so new, with little information on the costs and benefits. Moreover, integrating AI with Digital Signage displays has often proven tricky, requiring extravagant budgets and an army of developers – until now that is! The recent integration of AI with content management systems (CMS) like Signagelive are set to be game-changing, enabling businesses of any size to capitalise on the technology – AND for real-world benefits in corporate environments, retail, hospitality and more.
What can AI do for your Digital Signage display/s?
Overcome meeting and collaboration hurdles
With AI, you can now maximise the performance of your Digital Signage displays for meetings. AI-powered intelligent scheduling features are helping businesses to ensure maximum meeting attendance, avoid double bookings, and schedule conflicts, as well as make the best use of office meeting space. Using predictive analytics, this type of AI functionality automatically suggests, for instance, optimal meeting times, based on all participants’ availability and preferences.
For the meeting room experience itself, you can count on additional AI support, that enables you to control the screens, with simple voice commands. This makes it easier for all employees to use your meeting room Digital Signage displays, even new starters and those with less AV experience. For interactive Digital Signage display/s, AI also facilitates real-time document editing, based on smart suggestions. Moreover, features, like sentiment analysis, among other data insights, help you to gauge meeting participation, and work out how you can optimise engagement and collaboration. It’s an effective way for you to monitor team performance, and understand what motivates employees to collaborate, and who requires additional incentives and encouragement to share ideas.
Personalised Digital Signage content
The integration of vision AI platform, meldCX Viana with content management systems (CMS), such as Signagelive have helped take the guesswork out of how to create genuinely engaging content marketing and calls to action (CTA). For the first time, brick-and-mortar businesses can rival the targeted and more personalised visitor experience that online businesses have been delivering for years. Through your Digital Signage display/s, it’s now simple, quick and cost-effective to deliver insight-driven content that’s programmed to suit your ideal demographics, and/or pre-determined scenarios and behaviours, like dwell time and attention. Even the latest outdoor billboard advertising can’t offer such a personalised content experience, with most of the AI insight-driven campaigns still delivering localised, not persona-specific content.
To deliver this personalised viewing experience, you won’t need to invest in a lot of extra equipment. You just need to pair a meldCX Viana-compatible CMS, like Signagelive with a Chrome or Windows player or BrightSign device, and a compatible AI camera/s, and sensor/s. You also won’t have to worry about breaching any data protection, as the customer analytics gathered are entirely anonymous. The AI solution works to obscure the faces and any other identifying features of your customers/visitors/employees in the memory of your device. The insights collected are never stored on hard disk, which means that the data collected can never be hacked or accessed.
Measure Digital Signage content performance
With Digital Signage integrations like this Signagelive and meldCX solution, you can instantly start monitoring the performance of your content and find out how well it is resonating with your target audience. The joint solution is built, so that you can even discover if your campaigns are performing particularly well at specific times or days of the week, or in some locations over others.
With this data, you’re then able to use the meldCX Viana Interface Rules Engine Module to train the AI to identify pre-defined factors, such as demographic groupings, product and zone engagement, vehicle types, journey profiling, mood, and items of clothes in the camera’s field of vision. This means that you can essentially train your AI to recognise the persona types to whom your content especially appeals, and at the time and place you know, from previous analytics, that they most want to see it. Any time the AI camera detects these personas, and/or behaviours etc, integrated CMS solutions, like Signagelive, when paired with compatible platforms, such as Nexmosphere, will automatically trigger the most relevant content to your Digital Signage display/s. It’s one of the best ways to help boost your call-to-action (CTA) success and customer conversion rates. For instance, if a vendor discovers that people who tend to wear high heels are most interested in the store’s foot spa treatments, they can train the AI to detect anyone wearing high heels and ensure that exactly the right content displays on the nearest Digital Signage display.
Crowd control with your Digital Signage
The integration of CMS solutions with these kinds of vision AI platforms also enables you to use your Digital Signage displays for crowd control. With the people counting functionality, it’s quick and convenient for you to closely monitor footfall and prevent over-crowding. If an area becomes too crowded, you can set your CMS Web Triggers to automatically trigger crowd management instructions on-screen, such as directions to alternative entrances/exits, or other cash desks. With the AI sentiment analysis tool, you’re even able to assess the mood of people standing in queues, so that if your cameras pick up on any negativity, you can trigger on-screen content to help appease your visitors.
Automated content management
AI is also helping to save time, money and resource on the content management process itself, making it easier to keep the on-screen content flowing. Predictive analytics, for instance, are invaluable, forecasting future trends and viewer preferences, so you can stay one step ahead of the competition.
Deliver environment-specific content
Furthermore, AI-powered Digital Signage solutions are an effective way to boost the relevancy of your content, according to local environmental factors, like the weather. In the event of hot temperatures, they can, for instance, automatically trigger summer-related deals and discounts to your Digital Signage display/s or advertise hospitality venues’ advanced air conditioning. If it then proceeds to rain, the content will automatically switch, and promote appropriate products and/or services, as well as safety alerts, should the location be open air.
Personalised wayfinding
Large complexes, hospitality venues, health care facilities, transport stations and campuses now have the opportunity to deliver personalised wayfinding through their Digital Signage display/s. AI integrated Digital Signage solutions are capable of answering verbal questions, enabling visitors to find out exactly where they want to go, just by having a conversation with the GPT.
Extra interactive Digital Signage displays
With the help of AI, you can also super-power interactive displays, using additional features like gesture control, so that, with a simple hand motion, the user is able to navigate menu options quickly and conveniently. It’s a great option for industrial workplaces, factories, and laboratories, where workers may be wearing protective gear. The solution is equally suitable for health care centres, and hospitals, where sanitation is especially important.
Additionally, AI-powered gesture control is ideal for creating immersive showcases for exhibitions, as well as gaming experiences in malls and other family destinations. Hand motions can, for instance, be used to help visitors create incredible on-screen digital art, or to play interactive games.
Voice controlled Digital Signage
AI-powered solutions can also offer voice recognition, enabling your Digital Signage display/s to respond to verbal commands. This is a particularly useful option for hospitality, like quick service restaurants
(QSRs), allowing for an inclusive speedy service, even for those customers who may never have ordered food through a self-service kiosk before.
Boost manufacturing output
With the Internet of Things (IoT), and vision AI-Digital Signage solutions, it’s easy to boost productivity, and reduce the risk of any costly assembly line issues. The AI can be used to collect data on operations and processes, and then trained to recognise any anomalies. The integration of this kind of vision AI solution with cloud-based content management platforms, like Signagelive, means that any issues, like assembly line blockages, or product defects can be immediately flagged on-screen. It’s a solution that has the potential to save hours of potential downtime.
With predictive analytics, you can even prevent the problem from occurring in the first place. The AI just needs to be trained to recognise tell-tale signs that an issue is about to happen. It’s the kind of technology, which is especially useful for preventing problems, like assembly line jams. With the help of integrated Digital Signage solutions, instructions to resolve the problem can be automatically triggered on-screen, should the factory AI cameras detect a potential issue.
Production line management
With the help of AI, your Digital Signage screens can also be used to manage the efficiency of your production lines. The on-screen display of AI analytics can help keep your teams informed in real-time about the availability of parts – what’s needed, where and when. Additionally, this kind of solution is perfect for helping teams to stay on track, giving them the opportunity to see, at a glance, real-time information about any outstanding items, remaining targets, or any expected delays. Historical data can even be used to set benchmarks, norms and expectations, so every team member is aware of the company’s targets.
Face recognition for individual content experiences
With AI-powered Digital Signage, it’s possible to tailor content for specific teams, and even individuals. Provided your AI has been trained to do so, and you set the relevant pre-determined factors you wish your cameras to detect, you can trigger personalised content to suit individual employees, and/or departments. It’s another way for your business to make a personal connection with employees and ensure that your corporate communications actually resonates with them, and the right message is delivered to the right people.
AI has enormous potential to boost the ROI of every Digital Signage display you have in operation, whether that’s in terms of content optimisation, people management, entertainment or workplace productivity. While it may have once been cost-prohibitive, it’s now entirely cost-effective and simple to implement, only requiring a CMS solution, like Signagelive, that’s integrated with an AI platform, and a compatible player, camera/s and sensor/s. AI might still be emerging, but its effects are already transforming businesses, enabling them to boost their Digital Signage return on investment, reduce overarching goods and increase profitability.
For more information on what AI can do for the success of your Digital Signage displays, please reach out to Signagelive click here .
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