UK Experience Lab – coming together nicely, we’ll be showing vertical specific use cases
You may have seen the DailyDOOH article recently regarding our new US office opening with examples of the content that is being shown on the screens in our experience lab.
In the UK we have been working to transforming our Board Room into an Experience Lab.
The reason for this, is that we believe rather than just showing some screens on a wall, it would be better to show what you could actually achieve using digital signage as part of your overall solution.
The UK Experience Lab isn’t quite there yet, but here are a few sneak peeks of what you will be able to see!
We’ve set up a retail experience with Video Walls, Lift & Learn, Interactive Touch Content using our Chrome Kiosk Proof of Concept and our Interactive Tablet Proof of Concept. There’s also a Corporate Communications area and a QSR area, to give you some ideas of what could be achieved.
Thanks go to Samsung who have provided the displays for the experience lab where we can showcase, alongside our other partners (Peerless-AV, AOpen and TD Maverick, and not forgetting Natalie @ Mookuh) what can be achieved with Signagelive.
As we complete the build out we will be working with more partners and will share these as we launch.
Keep your eyes peeled for the chance to come and visit, coming soon!